Category Archives: Process+Reflect

P 2.5.1 Exploring Experience – Sketchbook 03.03.16

dystopian future prospect of digital travel – a critique on it on how it can only be done by bring it to the extreme end

P 2.5.1 Exploring Experience – Sketchbook 03.03.16

dystopian future prospect of digital travel – a critique on it on how it can only be done by bring it to the extreme end

P 2.5.1 Exploring Experience – Sketchbook

idea of how you can travel from one place to another Homer’s Odyssey Chariot of the Fire

P 2.5.1 Exploring Experience – Sketchbook

idea of how you can travel from one place to another Homer’s Odyssey Chariot of the Fire

P 2.5.1 Exploring Experience – Sketchbook 28.02.16 – Comparison of Site

been going back and forth between site 2 & 5 . site 2 is smack in the central of town, ideal for a commercial property and the views it has from river tweed and the light is abundant. Site 5 maybe

P 2.5.1 Exploring Experience – Sketchbook 28.02.16 – Comparison of Site

been going back and forth between site 2 & 5 . site 2 is smack in the central of town, ideal for a commercial property and the views it has from river tweed and the light is abundant. Site 5 maybe

P 2.5.1 : Exploring Experience

the last project of the year is a rather interesting one, the tackling of the idea of how the digital world/ reality affects the physical one directly or indirectly. Every studio had a different topic to handle and so happens

P 2.5.1 : Exploring Experience

the last project of the year is a rather interesting one, the tackling of the idea of how the digital world/ reality affects the physical one directly or indirectly. Every studio had a different topic to handle and so happens

exhibit: Hong Kong Last Resort – Kelvin Yip

Matt introduced this article to me the other day after our conversation about archigram and how i’m struggling to go back into pencil physical drawing and him telling me not to try to follow the masters’ way of drawing and

exhibit: Hong Kong Last Resort – Kelvin Yip

Matt introduced this article to me the other day after our conversation about archigram and how i’m struggling to go back into pencil physical drawing and him telling me not to try to follow the masters’ way of drawing and

exhibit: jati putra bends reality through digitally distorted landscapes

came across this in my daily e-mail from designboom. It caught my eye straight away. The mind blowing surrealism of bending gravity, distorting reality yet still preserving a sense of familiarity to the world. It seems like a great way

exhibit: jati putra bends reality through digitally distorted landscapes

came across this in my daily e-mail from designboom. It caught my eye straight away. The mind blowing surrealism of bending gravity, distorting reality yet still preserving a sense of familiarity to the world. It seems like a great way

P 2.3.3 Dwelling + (research & inspiration) – Layers of Brick, Concrete & Glass define private spaces in a Thai home

A pair of red brick walls screen the back of this house on the Gulf of Thailand, which faces away from a seaside resort and towards a cemetery where the client’s father is buried (+ slideshow). The client asked Bangkok-based architects Adisorn Srisaowanunt and Naweepahb Taksayos

P 2.3.3 Dwelling + (research & inspiration) – Layers of Brick, Concrete & Glass define private spaces in a Thai home

A pair of red brick walls screen the back of this house on the Gulf of Thailand, which faces away from a seaside resort and towards a cemetery where the client’s father is buried (+ slideshow). The client asked Bangkok-based architects Adisorn Srisaowanunt and Naweepahb Taksayos

P 2.3.3: Dwelling + (research & inspiration) – Perforated Brick Elevator by Carles Enrich

Whilst trying to design the circulation for the dwelling i came upon a stalemate with trying to comply with the Technology module’s restriction in using masonry and timber frame construction. After massive research on the internet, there is no possible

P 2.3.3: Dwelling + (research & inspiration) – Perforated Brick Elevator by Carles Enrich

Whilst trying to design the circulation for the dwelling i came upon a stalemate with trying to comply with the Technology module’s restriction in using masonry and timber frame construction. After massive research on the internet, there is no possible